My webMethods Server 10.15 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | Administering My webMethods Server | My webMethods Administrator Functions | Managing Users and Groups | Managing Groups | Making a Group a Member of Another Group
Making a Group a Member of Another Group
You can make a group a member of another group as long as both groups are defined in the internal system directory service. When one group becomes a member of a second group, all members of the first group also become members of the second group.
You cannot assign groups that are defined in an external directory service to a group defined in the internal system directory. Similarly, you cannot assign groups defined in the internal system directory service to an externally-defined group. You can, however, assign both internal and external groups to a role. See Managing Roles and Access to My webMethods.
*To make a group a member of another group
1. To navigate to the correct page, do one of the following:
*In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > User Management > Groups.
*As system administrator: Administration Dashboard > User Management > Manage Groups.
2. Search for the group you want to edit. For more information, see Managing External Directory Services.
3. In the search results, click any link in the row of the group you want to edit or click The Edit icon.
4. Click Groups.
5. To manage the membership of the group in other groups, do either of the following:
*To make the current group a member of other groups (in the system directory service), move the parent groups to the Selected Items box.
*To remove the current group as a member of other groups, move the parent groups from the Selected Items box.
6. When the Selected Items box lists all the groups of which the current group should be a member, click Save (Apply in system administration).