Making a Custom Authenticator Available to Integration Server
If you implement a custom authenticator portlet to be used with a database directory service forMy webMethods Server, and if Integration Server is configured to use Common Directory Services, you need to take additional steps to enable authentication for users logging into Integration Server.
To make a custom authenticator available to
Integration Server1. Stop all webMethods components.
2. Open the custom authenticator .pdp file using the .zip extractor of your choice.
3. Extract the /WEB-INF/lib/custom_authenticator.jar from the .pdp (the name will vary with the naming convention of your custom component).
4. To make the custom authenticator available to all Integration Server instances, copy the extracted .jar file into this location:
Integration Server_directory /lib/jars/
5. To make the custom authenticator available to a specific Integration Server instance, copy the extracted .jar file into this location:
Integration Server_directory /instances/serverName/lib/jars/
6. Modify Common Directory Services configuration files by doing the following:
a. Locate the following .jar file:
Software AG_directory \common\lib\wm-mws-library.jar
b. Extract these two files from the wm-mws-library.jar file.
c. Open each of these files in a text editor and use this syntax to add the name of the custom authenticator portlet as the last line of the file:
Use the other portlet names in these files as examples.
d. Save each file and repackage them both in the wm-mws-library.jar file.
7. Restart all webMethods components.