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Building a Simple Front-End Page to My webMethods
If you have users that need access to only a few My webMethods pages and you want to simplify their access to those pages, you can build a simple page that provides links to only the pages the users require.
The links you include in the front-end page can use URLs that use a page alias. Some My webMethods application pages are assigned aliases out-of-the-box. If an application page that you want to use does not have an alias, you can assign one to the page. After an alias is assigned, as an alternative to selecting the page from the My webMethods navigation panel, you can navigate directly to it by entering a URL that uses the page alias.
*To build a simple front-end page to My webMethods
1. Determine the application pages that you want to include in the front-end page.
2. For each application page, determine its page an alias or assign one if the page does not have an alias.
a. As system administrator, navigate to the following:
Folders > My webMethods Applications > Fabric Task
b. Further navigate to and open the Application page you want.
c. In the page title bar, click The Tools icon, and then Properties
d. In the Aliases section of the screen, note the page alias. If there is no page alias, assign one.
e. Click Apply to close the Properties page.
3. Build a webpage that includes links to the Application pages. Use the following for the URL where:
*host_name and port_number are the host name and port number of the My webMethods Server
*alias is the alias name of the application page
For example if the host name and port of My webMethods Server is “” and you want to access the Tasks Inbox page, which has the alias “webm.apps.workflow.inbox”, use the following URL: