My webMethods Server 10.15 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | Administering My webMethods Server | Using Command Central to Manage My webMethods Server | Using the Command Line to Manage My webMethods Server | Configuration Types that My webMethods Server-ENGINE Supports
Configuration Types that My webMethods Server-ENGINE Supports
The My webMethods Server-ENGINE run-time component supports creating instances of the configuration types listed in the following table:
Configuration Type
Use to configure...
Full URL to My webMethods Server.
*If the My webMethods Server HTTP port is enabled, use the following format where hostname is the My webMethods Server host name and httpport is the My webMethods Server HTTP port number.
*If the My webMethods Server HTTPS port is enabled and the HTTP port is not enabled, use the following format where hostname is the My webMethods Server host name and httpsport is the My webMethods Server HTTPS port number.
Settings for a My webMethods Server cluster. You can configure the load balancer, JMS provider, and node roles for a My webMethods Server cluster. For information about the fields and the values to specify, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Any changes to the cluster configuration take effect only after you restart the node.
The default connection pool for the My webMethods Server database connection. You can use the command line interface to edit the pool, but not delete it.
You can also add, update, or delete additional custom JDBC pools that custom Composite Application Framework (CAF) applications running on My webMethods Server use.
You can manage instances of this configuration type using the command line interface, but not the Command Central user interface.
Keystores for My webMethods Server. You can edit the keystores that My webMethods Server uses for its HTTPS port to provide your own keystores.
You can manage instances of this configuration type using the command line interface, but not the Command Central user interface.
Settings for managing internal users of a My webMethods Server instance. COMMON-LOCAL-USERS-userId supports configuring the details for each user. For information about the fields and values to specify, see Administering My webMethods Server.
The My webMethods Server HTTP and HTTPS ports.
When adding, editing, and removing ports, keep the following in mind:
*Ensure at least an HTTP or an HTTPS port is defined.
*You can only delete the HTTPS port if the HTTP port is defined. If you delete the HTTPS port, you can later add it again.
*You can only delete the HTTP port if the HTTPS port is defined. If you delete the HTTP port, you can later add it again.
*There are no restrictions with regards to editing port numbers.
You can also manage ports in the Command Central user interface if the ports are enabled. After enabling the ports in My webMethods Server Cluster Administration and restarting My webMethods Server, the ports are visible in the Command Central user interface.
Settings for sending e-mail messages.
Truststores for My webMethods Server. You can edit the truststores that My webMethods Server uses for its HTTPS port to provide your own truststores.
You can manage instances of this configuration type using the command line interface, but not the Command Central user interface.
Global environment variables for My webMethods Server.