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Checking HTTP Header Authentication Logs for Problems
With HTTP Header authentication enabled, the server acts as though all users have been authenticated. With this in mind, the log messages will reveal one of three likely outcomes, as described in the following sections.
The Login is Successful
Messages for a successful login using HTTP Header authentication look similar to the following example:

Date_and Time (portalLogin : DEBUG) - HttpHeaderHandler Auth Handler
looking for: user_name

Date_and Time (portalLogin : DEBUG) - Found userID: user_name
where user_name is the name of the user who logged in under HTTP Header authentication.
HTTP Header Authentication is Disabled
If you have not enabled HTTP Header authentication, the log message looks similar to the following example:

Date_and Time (portalLogin : DEBUG) - HttpHeaderHandler Auth Handler is
not enabled
To enable HTTP Header authentication, see Enabling Authentication.
The Problem Rests with the Third-Party Site
If the third-party site is not configured correctly, HTTP Header authentication will fail. The resulting log message looks similar to the following example:

Date_and Time (portalLogin : DEBUG) - HttpHeaderHandler Auth Handler
looking for:

Date_and Time (portalLogin : DEBUG) - No value found!