My webMethods Server 10.11 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | My webMethods Server Portlet Reference | Page and Portlet Development | Folder View Portlet
Folder View Portlet
Portlet Title
Folder View
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Content Management. End users use this portlet to display the contents of a folder in the My webMethods Server content management system.
View Depth (viewDepth)
Defines the depth of the descendants to display for a folder. Specify one of the following:
*1 – Default. Show only the direct children.
*2 – Show the direct children and their children.
*3 – Show the direct children, their children, and the children of their children.
Visual Style (visualStyle)
Defines the display mode to use to display the folder contents. Specify one of the following:
*1 – Default. Display the folder contents as a standard list, a list of items that includes a description and last-modified date.
*2 – Display the folder contents as a simple list, a condensed list of items that omits the description and last-modified date.
*3 – Display the folder contents as thumbnail images. Only image files will display a thumbnail. A placeholder image appears for items that do not have a thumbnail, for example, folders, documents, links, and so on.
Show Titlebar (showTitlebar)
Indicates whether to show a title header. Specify one of the following:
*true – Default. Show a title header.
*false – Hide the title header.
Sort Key (sort)
Defines the key to use for sorting the folder contents. Specify one of the following:
*name – Default. Sort by the name of the items in the folder.
*type – Sort by the object type of the items in the folder.
*modified – Sort by the last modified date of the items in the folder.
Sort Order (order)
Defines the order in which to sort the folder contents. Specify one of the following:
*ascending – Default. Sort the folder contents in ascending order.
*descending – Sort the folder contents in descending order.
Page Limit (pageSize)
Defines the number of folder items to display on a page. If there are more folder items to display than the limit for the page, the portlet renders paging links so that end users can navigate through all available folder items. Specify one of the following:
*0 – Default. The portlet uses the Items Per Page value from the current user's User Profile.
*10 – The portlet displays 10 folder items per page.
*20 – The portlet displays 20 folder items per page.
*50 – The portlet displays 50 folder items per page.
*100 – The portlet displays 100 folder items per page.
Folder (listViewTargetURI)
Identifies the folder to display. Specify the thingID or alias of the folder. If the property has no value, the portlet displays the items in the current resource.
Links/Content/Forms Open in New Window (newWindow)
Indicates whether to open a new window when an end user clicks a link in the folder. Specify one of the following:
*true – Default. Open the link in a new window.
*false – Display the link in the current window.
Reuse Opened Window (reuseWindow)
Indicates whether to reuse the new window opened for a link in the folder when an end user clicks a second link in the folder. Specify one of the following:
*true – The portlet opens each linked item in the same new window.
*false – Default. The portlet opens each linked item in a unique new window.
This property is ignored if the Links/Content/Forms Open in New Window (newWindow) property is set to false. That is, if the link in a folder opens in the current window, all links on subsequent pages also open in the current window.