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Thing Popup Menu Portlet
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Thing Popup Menu
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Title Bar Tools. Page developers can use this portlet in custom title bars to provide a default popup menu for a My webMethods Server object. This portlet is part of the core system components and end users should not directly access it.
This portlet adds the The Menu icon to the title bar. An end user can click this icon to access the following popup menu:
The Context menu
Target (target)
Required. Identifies the target My webMethods Server object for which the popup menu should be displayed. Specify the ID or alias of the target object.
Cache Content (cacheAge)
Indicates whether the HTML contents of popup menu should be cached. Specify one of the following:
*-1 – Default. Cache the content infinitely.
*0 – Do not cache the content.
*1 – Cache the content for 1 minute.