My webMethods Server 10.11 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | My webMethods Server Portlet Reference | Page and Portlet Development | Thing Navigate Up or Down Button Portlet
Thing Navigate Up or Down Button Portlet
Portlet Title
Thing Navigate Up or Down Button
Portlet Name
Portlet File Name
Top-level Folder
JSR168 Portlet?
Default Instances of the portlet
Title Bar Tools. Page developers use this portlet as part of a shell title bar to provide a way to navigate to the My webMethods Server resource parent folder or back to the current resource.
This portlet is used internally in several shell title bars.
Target (target)
Identifies the My webMethods Server object to which to navigate. Specify the URI of the object. If the property has no value, the default value current.resource is used, which means the target is the currently opened My webMethods Server resource. Instances of the portlet do not share the value of this property.
Action (maximize)
Indicates the action to take. Specify one of the following:
*true – Default. The action is up to navigate to the parent resource.
*false – The action is down, to navigate to "self"; that is, the current resource.
Instances of the portlet do not share the value of this property.