My webMethods Server 10.11 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | Administering My webMethods Server | Startup and Configuration | Running My webMethods Server from the Command Line | My webMethods Server Instance Administration Commands | new
Creates a new server instance. Specify instance details as command parameters in the following format: -Dparameter=value.
By default, the command attempts to invoke Software AG Update Manager and install the latest available fix in the configured fix repository when creating the server instance. If Update Manager is not installed in the same directory as My webMethods Server and you did not specify a custom location with a parameter, the command skips this step. If the fix installation fails, the command creates a new server instance, and you must manually install fixes later.
You can specify a different Update Manager location and customize the Update Manager behavior by adding a file in Software AG_directory /MWS/bin. For information about the configuration options, see Usage Notes.
The new command does not accept any options.
The following table lists the parameters that the new command accepts.
Optional. Name of the server instance. Specify a unique name among server instances on the machine. If you do not specify a value, the instance name is default.
Optional. Port number on which the server instance listens. Specify a unique port number among server instances on the machine. The default port number is 8585.
Optional. Whether to install a new My webMethods Server instance as an application or a service. Valid values are:
*true - Install as a service.
*false - Default. Install as an application.
Optional. The name of the cluster node that hosts the server instance. If you do not specify a name, the default value is master.
Required. The type of database used by the server instance. Valid values are:
*ms - Microsoft SQL Server
*oracle - Oracle
*db2 - DB2
*mysqlee - MySQL Enterprise Edition
*mysqlce - MySQL Community Edition
*postgresql - PostgreSQL
Required. Database connection URL, based on the type of database and the driver.
On UNIX systems, you must escape all semicolon characters in the database connection URL with backward slashes, or enclose the whole database URL parameter in double quotes, as follows:
Optional. The class name of the JDBC driver used to connect to the My webMethods Server database. Required when using a JDBC driver different than the one supplied by Software AG.
Required for all external databases. User name assigned to the My webMethods Server database.
Required for all external databases. Password of the My webMethods Server database user.
Required. The URL of the Universal Messaging server to use as a JMS provider. If you do not specify a JNDI provider URL, or the Universal Messaging server is unavailable, the My webMethods Server instance starts in maintenance mode.
Optional. The HTTPS listener port. A value of 0 disables the listener.
Optional. The Java debug port. The default port number is 10033.
Optional. The JMX port for the new server instance. The default port number is 5002.
Optional. The proxy host name.
Optional. The proxy port number.
Optional. The proxy user name.
Optional. The proxy password.
Optional. Components in the Software AG_directory\MWS\components directory to include in the new server instance.
Optional. Components in the Software AG_directory\MWS\components directory to exclude from the new server instance.
Optional. Specifies whether to overwrite the component files in the Software AG_directory\MWS\server\serverName\deploy directory that are older than the component files in the Software AG_directory\MWS\components directory. Valid values are:
*true - Overwrite component files in the \deploy directory.
*false - Default. Do not overwrite component files in the \deploy directory.
Usage Notes
*Before creating a new server instance, use the Database Component Configurator to create a unique database or tablespace for the instance, as described in Installing Software AG Products. Not required when creating a node in a My webMethods Server cluster.
*After creating a new server instance, initialize the instance using the init command. The first initialization of a new My webMethods Server instance takes several minutes to complete. After the first initialization, the server automatically shuts down.
*Not supported when My webMethods Server is running in a container.
*By default The CLI utility for My webMethods Server looks for Update Manager in the same installation directory as your My webMethods Server installation. You can specify a different location and additional settings by adding a file in Software AG_directory /MWS/bin. The file can contain the following parameters:
*sum.install.dir=directory_path - Full path to the Update Manager installation directory. Optional. The default is Software AG_directory/SAGUpdateManager.
*sum.image.location=path - Full path to an existing fix image. Optional.
*sum.empower.user=user - The Update Manager user. Optional.
*sum.empower.pass=pass_or_pass_file - The Update Manager password. Optional. Valid values are: plain text, encypted password, or a password file. Specify the password file as a fully qualified URI as in sum.empower.pass=file:/C:/my_files/my_pass_file/sum_pass.txt. Encrypt the pasword as described in Administering My webMethods Server.
*To create a new instance with name test, running on port 8090, with an external MS SQL Server database with name my_wm_msql, installed on the server db_server:
> mws new -Dhttp.port=8090
-Ddb.type=ms -Ddb.url=jdbc:wm:sqlserver://db_server:1433;
-Ddb.username=mws_user -Ddb.password=password
[Configuration output displayed in console window....]
> mws -s test run
My webMethods Server connects to the database using the username mws_user, and the password password.