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Modifying the Configuration of a Container
In addition to the assets_cfg subdirectory that you can use for deploying My webMethods Server assets, the /MWS/volumes/configs directory on the container file system can contain dedicated subdirectories for supplying miscellaneous configuration files for My webMethods Server to load at startup.
To use the /MWS/volumes/configs/ directory to supply configuration files, you must mount an external volume to that directory, and the volume must contain one or more of the following subdirectories:
*cluster_cfg - for supplying custom configuration files such as cluster.xml, systemProperties.propertes, and so on. The My webMethods Server that initializes the cluster database applies the settings from the files in the cluster_cfg directory on container bootstrap, across all nodes in the My webMethods Server cluster.
*instance_cfg - for supplying a custom cache.xml, mws.db.xml,,,, and other instance configuration files.
*jvm_cfg - for supplying miscellaneous JVM/JRE additions, such as security certificates, to the container JRE.
*profile_cfg for supplying custom profile configurations, for example JVM properties in a custom_wrapper.conf file, or security settings in a jaas.config file.
The Docker daemon creates a corresponding *_cfg subdirectory on the container file system only for the *_cfg folders that are present in the mounted volume (if such volume is available).
Configurations that you supply using the environment variables for My webMethods Server containers always take precedence and replace their corresponding values in the configuration files, supplied through a volume.
Although you can modify the configuration files for My webMethods Server, such as the cluster.xml, or custom_wrapper.conf files, and supply their new versions from a volume when starting a new container from an existing image, Software AG recommends that you fully configure My webMethods Server before generating a Docker image from an on-premises installation.