Make-up of a Skin Package
There are two ways to make a skin package available for editing.
With a skin package exposed for editing, you can see the files and directories that make up the package:
The file describes the components implemented by the skin. You can modify fonts, colors, and images using the Skin Administration page, but for other skin components, you need to edit the skin properties file directly. For more information, see
The Skin Properties File.
If you have created a new skin in My webMethods Server but not yet made any changes, the only property in the file may be the parent skin from which all properties are inherited.
The skinDeploy.xml file contains deployment information for the skin package. For more information, see
The Skin Deployment File.
The css directory. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) describe the properties that make up a skin. A generated CSS for a skin is derived from the file as modified by other style sheet files. For more information, see
Cascading Style Sheets.
If you have created a new skin in My webMethods Server but not yet made any changes, there may be no Cascading Style Sheets in the directory because all properties are inherited from the parent skin. If you add or modify stylesheets, you should place them in this directory.
The components directory. This directory contains proprietary files you are not likely to modify as part of a skin package.
The images directory. If you add or modify images used in the skin, you should place them in this directory.