CAF Shared JavaScript



No overview generated for 'core.js'

Class Summary
CAF.Ajax Utilities for use with the standard f:ajax tag
CAF.Checkbox Checkbox utilities.
CAF.Checkbox.Model CAF checkbox client-side model.
CAF.Command Command utilities.
CAF.Command.Model CAF Command client-side model.
CAF.Image CAF image utilities.
CAF.Image.Model CAF Input client-side model.
CAF.Input Input utilities.
CAF.Input.Model CAF Input client-side model.
CAF.Link Button/Link utilities.
CAF.Link.Model CAF Button/Link client-side model.
CAF.Output CAF Output utilities.
CAF.Output.Model CAF Output client-side model.
CAF.Validator Validator utility functions.
Encoder Handles HTML encoding/decoding

Method Summary
static void __String.evalScripts()
           Fix prototype.js String.evalScripts() to eval external scripts too (and to deal with CAF.inlineScript).
static Object __String.unfilterJSON(filter)
           Fix prototype.js String.unfilterJSON() to work with really large json strings (workaround regex size limitations).
static void assert(condition, msg)
           Function that throws an AssertionFailedError when condition is false.

CAF Shared JavaScript

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Aug 30 14:56:06 2021