Monitor 10.7 | pub.monitor.service Folder | pub.monitor.service:getListCustomDataSet
Retrieves a list of services that meet the specified criteria, including specifying the value of multiple logged fields, which instructs the service to return all services where the value you specify was logged for multiple specified custom logged field.
Whether the search is case-sensitive or case-insensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters.
String Optional. Fully qualified or partial service name of services that you want to retrieve. The serviceNameExact parameter is used with this parameter.
String Optional. How to match the value specified in serviceName.
*true Exactly match the serviceName parameter.
*false Default. Contains a substring that matches the serviceName parameter.
String Optional. Complete or partial DNS name and port for the Integration Server that ran the service (for example, The serverIDExact parameter is used with this parameter.
String Optional. How to match the value specified in serverID. To retrieve services executed on Integration Servers whose server IDs...
*true   Exactly matches the serverID parameter.
*false Default. Contains a substring that matches the serverID parameter.
String Optional. Complete context ID of the services to retrieve.
String Optional. Complete context ID of the parent service of the services to retrieve.
String Optional. Complete context ID for the root service of the services to retrieve.
String Optional. The full, user-defined ID for the service to retrieve. User-defined IDs are assigned by executing the pub.flow:setCustomContextID service.
String Optional. Integration Server user name of the client that invoked the services that you want to retrieve.
Whether Monitor treats username as case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
String Optional. Status of the services that you want to retrieve. Use status if you want to retrieves services that all have a single specified status. You can specify either the keyword value for the status or the numerical value that represents the status. For a list of numerical and keyword values, see Status Reference.
String List Optional. A set of statuses of the services you want to retrieve. Use statusSet when you want retrieve services of more than one specified status. For each status that you specify in statusSet, specify the keyword value for the status or the numerical value that represents the status, as described above for the status parameter.
String Optional. The date range for when the most recent log entries for the services you want to retrieve were logged. If you use this parameter, do not use the fromDate or toDate parameter. A week is Sunday through Saturday.
*Today Today
*Yesterday Yesterday
*In the last 7 days Within the last 7 days, including today.
*Last week   Any day in the last calendar week.
*This week   Any day in this calendar week.
*Last month Any day in the last calendar month.
*This month Any day in the current calendar month.
*Year to date  Any day in the current calendar year.
String Optional. The start date of when the most recent log entries of the services you want retrieved were logged. The getList service will get services whose log entries were logged on or after this date. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If you use this parameter, use toDate to specify the end date; do not use the range parameter when you use the fromDate and toDate parameters.
String Optional. The end date of when the most recent log entries of the services you want retrieved were logged. The getList service will get services whose log entries were logged on or before this date. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If you use this parameter, use fromDate to specify the start date; do not use the range parameter when you use the fromDate and toDate parameters.
String Optional. Maximum number of services to find, starting with those most recently logged. By default, the service gets all services.
String Table The custom fields and their values that you want to use to search for services. The service returns services that match all the custom field data you specify.
When searching for logged service data using user-logged fields as search criteria, Monitor always uses the OR operation.
For each custom field, specify the following fields.
*fieldName String The complete name of the logged field that you want to use to search for services.
*fieldType String The data type of fieldName. Specify either String, Number, or Date.
*comparator String A comparator indicates how the service should compare the value you specify in value to the actual value logged for the custom field specified by fieldName.Specify one of the following: = , Contains, Not Contains, != , < , >, <= , >=
*value String The value that you want the service to use to compare with the actual value stored for the custom field specified by fieldName.
String Optional. Whether the service is to use an AND condition or an OR condition for the criteria specified in the input parameters.
*true  Use an AND condition. Services that match all the criteria you specify are returned. This is the default.
*false Use an OR condition. Services that match any of the criteria you specify are returned.
String How you want the retrieved list of services sorted. This parameter works with the sortAscending parameter.
*SERVICENAME Service name
*STATUS Status
*USERID Integration Server client that invoked the service.
*SERVERID Integration Server that ran the service.
*AUDITTIMESTAMP Default. Time the most recent log entry was logged.
String Optional.Whether to sort the retrieved lists of services in ascending or descending order. This parameter works with the sortColumn parameter.
*true Default. Sort in ascending order.
*false Sort in descending order.
Output Parameters
The following table lists the output parameters.
Document List The retrieved list of services. For each service, the following fields are returned:
*ROOTCONTEXTID String Root context ID of the service.
*PARENTCONTEXTID String Context ID of the service's parent service.
*CONTEXTID String Context ID of the service.
*AUDITTIMESTAMP Number Time the service's status was logged, in epoch time; that is, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
*AUDITTIMESTRING String Time the service's status was logged in string format, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.SSS zzz, where:
*YYYY-MM-DD is the date
*hh:mm:ss:SSS is the time, including milliseconds
*zzz is the time zone
*USERID String Integration Server user name of the client that invoked the service.
*RESUBMITTABLE String Whether the service is resubmittable.
*true Service is resubmittable.
*false Service is not resubmittable.
*DURATION String If the service's status is 2 (Completed) or 4 (Failed), the length of time the service ran (in milliseconds).
*SERVICENAME String Name of the service.
*STATUS String Status of the service. The getList service returns the numerical value that represents the status. For a description of the status values, see Status Reference.
*STATUSDECODE String Status value of the service. The getList service returns the keyword value that represents the status. For the list of keyword values, for example, “Started” or “Completed,” see Status Reference.
*ERRORMESSAGE String If the service's status is 4 (Failed), the text of the error message.
*SERVERID String Integration Server on which the service ran.
*CUSTOMCONTEXTID String The full, user-defined ID of the retrieved service that was assigned by executing the service.
*AUDITEDPARENTID String Complete ID of the parent service for which you have logged user-defined fields.