Monitor 10.7 | Process Monitoring | Viewing KPI Data for Process Instances
Viewing KPI Data for Process Instances
When you work with webMethods Optimize for Process, you can create key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure critical success factors of a process instance. For example, in an order management process, you might define KPIs for how many orders were received, their dollar amounts, and whether they were processed successfully.
Optimize for Process creates and stores data for each KPI. You can view the KPI values to see how they have varied over time. For more information about KPIs, see webMethods Optimize User’s Guide.
*To view KPI data that is associated with a process instance
1. Search for the process instance for which you want to view KPI data, as described in Finding Process Models Using Keywords and Finding Process Instances Using an Advanced Search.
2. In the search results, locate the process instance you want to work with and click the KPI Summary icon KPI Summary icon in the Detail column.