Monitor 10.7 | pub.monitor.integrationProcessLogging Folder | pub.monitor.integrationProcessLogging:updateProcessInstanceStatus
Updates the process status of an existing process instance.
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters.
String The internal identifier (that is, process key) of the integration process definition that the process instance uses. You defined the process key when you added the process definition to the Process Audit Log using the pub.monitor.integrationProcessLogging:createProcessMetadata service.
A process key is 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters.
String The identifier of the process instance whose status you want to update. You assigned the process instance an identifier when you created the process instance using the pub.monitor.integrationProcessLogging:createProcessInstance service.
A process instance ID is 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters.
String The status code number that represents the status you want to assign to the process instance. For a list of status codes you can use, see Status Reference.
If you are setting the value of status using Designer, Designer displays the list of status values rather than listing the status code numbers.
Output Parameters
The following table lists the output parameters.
String The outcome of updating the process status. If the service successfully updated the process status, result is “success.” If the service encountered an error attempting to update the process status, result contains the exception.
Usage Notes
*If the service encounters an error, it logs an error to the PRA_ERROR table. You can view the error using Monitor with the Process Instance Detail page for the process instance.
*You can specify any valid status regardless of the current status. There are no restrictions for what statuses you can use based on the current status.