Monitor 10.7 | pub.monitor.archive Folder | pub.monitor.archive:processArchive
Archives or deletes process data and control data (such as resubmit actions) from the PRA_PROCESS_ACTION, WMCUSTOMFIELDDEFINITION, PRA_PROCESS, PRA_PROCESS_CUSTOM, WMPROCESSDEFINITION, WMPROCESSIMAGE, PRA_PROCESS_RECENT, PRA_STEP_LOGGED_FIELD, PRA_PROCESS_STEP, WMSTEPDEFINITION, and WMSTEPTRANSITIONDEFINITION tables in the Process Audit Log database component, and archives or deletes process-related service data from the PRA_ERROR table in the IS Core Audit Log database component.
Specifically, this service archives or deletes the following:
*Process log entries, input pipelines, error data, and run-time values for user-specified input and output document fields.
*Referenced processes, process-related service data (services, service error data, and user-defined messages).
*Process control data (resubmit, suspend, and resume actions).
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters.
String Optional. Start date for the period to keep the data in the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components. The period ends with and includes the current date. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
Supply either todate or days. Do not supply both.
String Optional. Number of days to keep the data in the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components, ending with and including the current date.
Supply either todate or days. Do not supply both.
String Optional. Indicates whether to archive or delete the data.
*ARCHIVE Default. Copy the data from the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components to the Archive database component and delete the data from the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components.
*DELETE Delete the data from the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components without first archiving it.
String Optional. Indicates the status on which to archive or delete the data.
*COMPLETED Default. Archive or delete data for processes with a status of Completed.
*COMPLETED-FAILED Archive or delete data for processes with a status of Completed, Failed, Stopped, or Resubmitted.
Data for processes with a status other than those specified is retained in the database.
String Optional. Number of processes to archive or delete at a time.
String array Optional. Complete model ID of the model for the process instance(s) you want to archive. Use a comma to separate multiple modelId string values. You can retrieve model IDs by invoking the pub.monitor.process.instance:getProcessList service and using the value returned in the processNames/PROCESSKEY output parameter. If modelId is null, all processes are archived.
Whether Monitor treats modelId as case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
Output Parameters
The following table lists the output parameters.
String Message that indicates the success of the archive or delete action.
String Errors that occurred during the archive or delete action.
Usage Notes
You can use this service with Integration Server Administrator to archive or delete data automatically, at specific times or intervals. To do so, build a service that calls the archive or delete service and sets its input parameters, then run the wrapper service as a scheduled task from Integration Server Administrator. For instructions on scheduling services to run at specific times, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
*todate parameter: Suppose the current date is September 30 and you want to archive or delete data for processes that finished running more than 15 days ago (that is, before September 15). You would specify this parameter as 2003-10-15 00:00:00.
*days parameter: Suppose the current date is September 30 and you want to archive or delete data for processes that finished running more than 15 days ago (that is, before September 15). You would specify this parameter as 15.