Software AG Products 10.15 | Known Issues
Known Issues
This section lists any issues for the current release that were known when this readme was published. For known issues found later, go to the Knowledge Center on the Empower website.
When executing a Jenkins build, the live console output of the build will only be available in Software AG Designer if CSRF/XSS protection is disabled in your Jenkins server. If CSRF/XSS protection is enabled, the URL to the Jenkins console log is shown instead.
As a workaround, open the Jenkins console in your browser.
When refreshing the mobile project outside of Software AG Designer (e.g. activate-handset ANT Task), PNG icons derived from asset resource files may be deleted. This is most likely to happen when the .classpath file of the project is out of sync with Software AG Designer.
As a workaround, open and then re-save the asset files to create the derived PNG icons again.
When running Mobile Designer/Mobile Development on a filesystem that is strictly case-sensitive (i.e.: most Linux distributions), projects that make use of the Mobile Designer “Plugins” folder may show errors because they are unable to find that folder. The folder is erroneously named “plugins”.
As a workaround, create a symbolic link called “Plugins” in the root of the Mobile Designer install that points to the existing “plugins” directory.