Integration Server 10.5 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Server Configuration Parameters | watt.client.
Specifies whether an FTP(S) session created by the pub.client.ftp:login service closes automatically or not, when the top-level service execution completes. Set the value to true to automatically close the FTP(S) session created by the pub.client.ftp:login service, when the top-level service execution completes. If the value is set to false, you must invoke the pub.client.ftp:logout service to close the FTP(S) session. The default value is false.
Specifies whether an SFTP session created by the pub.client.sftp:login service closes automatically or not, when the top-level service execution completes. Set the value to true to automatically close the SFTP session created by the pub.client.sftp:login service, when the top-level service execution completes. If the value is set to false, you must invoke the pub.client.sftp:logout service to close the SFTP session. The default value is false.
The watt.client.ftp.session.logoutOnServiceCompletion and watt.client.sftp.session.logoutOnServiceCompletion parameters are introduced for PIE-66690 in IS_10.5_Core_Fix8.