Securing Web Services Using Policies Based on WS-SecurityPolicy
The following lists the main steps you need to complete to secure a web service using WS-SecurityPolicy.
To secure a web service using WS-SecurityPolicy
1. Determine the WS-SecurityPolicy policies you want to use to secure a web service.
You can create custom WS-SecurityPolicy policies. If you want, you can use an out-of-the-box WS-SecurityPolicy policy as a template to start your custom WS-Policy. For more information about creating your own WS-Policy, see
WS-Policy Files and
Guidelines for Creating WS-Policy
If you want to use policies that include Kerberos tickets for authentication, make sure you have set up
Integration Server to use Kerberos. For more information, see
Using Kerberos for Authentication.
3. Ensure all the WS-SecurityPolicy policies you want to use to secure a web service are located in the following directory:
Software AG_directory
5. Attach the WS-SecurityPolicy policies to the web service descriptor. For instructions, see webMethods Service Development Help.
If you want to use MTOM streaming, be aware that if the fields to be streamed are also being signed and/or encrypted, Integration Server cannot use MTOM streaming because Integration Server needs to keep the entire message in memory to sign and/or encrypt the message.