Integration Server 10.5 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Whitelist Filtering in Integration Server | Logging Classes that Are Not on the Whitelist
Logging Classes that Are Not on the Whitelist
You can configure Integration Server to generate a log file that lists any classes for which deserialization was attempted but are not part of a whiteslistclasses.xml file. The log file can be useful for debugging. When watt.server.dumpWhitelist is set to true, Integration Server generates a log file that lists any classes for which deserilazation was attempted but are not in a whitelist classes file. Specifically, Integration Server creates the following file during shut down:
Integration Server_directory /instances/instanceName/logs/runtimeClasslist.time.xml where time is the time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
For Integration Server to generate the runtimeClasslist file the watt.server.checkWhitelist and the watt.server.dumpWhitelist parameters must be set to true and an attempt to load a class not contained in the whitelist must have been made since Integration Server was last started.