Integration Server 10.5 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Whitelist Filtering in Integration Server | Creating a Package Whitelist Classes File
Creating a Package Whitelist Classes File
Integration Server supports the creation and use of a list of whitelist classes for an individual package. This can be useful when a custom package contains a Java service that deserializes a Java object. When the package loads, Integration Server adds the package’s whitelist classes to the allowed list of classes maintained in memory. When a package is disabled, Integration Server removes the package’s whitelist classes from the allowed list maintained in memory.
For Integration Server to use a package’s whitelist classes file, Integration Server must have whitelist filtering enabled. Integration Server performs whitelist filtering when the watt.server.checkWhitelist parameter is set to true.
*To create a package whitelist
1. Copy the Integration Server whitliestclasses.xml file located here:
Integration Server_directory /instances/instanceName/config/security/whitelistclasses.xml
2. Paste the copied whitelistclasses.xml file here:
Integration Server_directory /instances/instanceName/packages/packageName/config
3. Open the package whiteilstclasses.xml file in a text editor.
4. Delete all of the <value>elements
5. Add a row for each custom class you want to include in the package’s whitelist classes file.
6. Save your changes to the package’s whitelistclasses.xml file.
7. Reload the package for which you created the whitelist.