Integration Server 10.5 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Starting, Shutting Down, and Restarting Microservices Runtime | Starting Microservices Runtime and Microservices Runtime Administrator | Starting Microservices Runtime Administrator
Starting Microservices Runtime Administrator
*To start Microservices Runtime Administrator
1. Do one of the following:
*Open a browser and point it to the host and port where Microservices Runtime is running (for example, http://localhost:5555 or http://EXAMPLE:4040).
*On Windows, click Start > All Programs > Software AG > Administration > Microservices Runtime Administrator.
2. Log on to Microservices Runtime Administrator with a user name and password that has administrator privileges. User names and passwords are case sensitive.
The default values are Administrator/manage. For security reasons, Software AG strongly recommends you change the user name and password from the default as soon as possible.