Integration Server 10.5 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Starting, Shutting Down, and Restarting Microservices Runtime | Restarting Microservices Runtime
Restarting Microservices Runtime
You should restart Microservices Runtime when:
*You make certain configuration changes. Some configuration changes require Microservices Runtime to be restarted before they take effect. The documentation indicates when restart is necessary.
*You want to incorporate updated services that cannot be dynamically reloaded. This typically occurs for non-Java services.
*To restart Microservices Runtime
1. In Microservices Runtime Administrator, in the upper right corner of any screen, click Shutdown and Restart.
2. Specify whether you want Microservices Runtime to wait before restarting or restart immediately.
Do this
Restart after number minutes or after all client sessions are complete
Select After all client sessions end. Then in the Maximum wait time field, specify the number of minutes you want Microservices Runtime to wait before restarting. Microservices Runtime will begin monitoring user activity and then automatically restart after all non-administrator sessions complete or after the time you specify elapses, whichever comes first.
Restart immediately
Select Immediately. Microservices Runtime and all active sessions will terminate immediately. Then Microservices Runtime restarts.
3. Click Restart.