How to Send a Request that Uses a Dedicated Listener to Retrieve Replies
Integration Server provides the ability to use a dedicated MessageConsumer to retrieve all the replies for a published request. By default Integration Server creates a new JMS MessageConsumer for each reply message. In many cases, this does not impact performance. However, in situations where many threads invoke pub.jms:sendAndWait concurrently, creating a MessageConsumer for every expected response can impact performance.
To send a request that uses a dedicated listener to retrieve the reply, the following must be true:
The JMS connection alias specified in
connectionAliasName must be configured to use a dedicated listener to retrieve replies. Specifically:
Create Temporary Queuecheck box must be selected for the alias.
Enable Request-Reply Listener for Temporary Queue check box must be selected for the alias.
pub.jms:sendAndWait invocation must be synchronous. The
async input parameter must be set to false.
pub.jms:sendAndWait invocation must not specify value for the
destinationNameReplyTo input parameter.