Integration Server 10.5 | Flat File Schema Developer's Guide | Validation Errors | Validation Error Codes
Validation Error Codes
The following table describes the validation error codes that you might receive when the validate variable of the pub.flatFile:convertToValues service is set to true and you are validating a flat file or testing a flat file schema.
Error Code
In the flat file schema, the Mandatory drop-down menu was set to true for this element, but the element does not occur in the flat file.
Reserved for future use.
Unexpected element. This field is not allowed in the record or composite in which it appears.
In the flat file schema, a length validator was specified in the Validator property for this field. The value in the flat file exceeded the maximum length specified.
In the flat file schema, a length validator was specified in the Validator property for this field. The value in the flat file did not meet the minimum length specified.
Reserved for future use.
In the flat file schema, a code list validator was specified in the Validator property for this field. The value in the flat file was not listed in the flat file schema as a valid value.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
In the flat file schema, a conditional validator was specified in the Validator property for this composite or record. The contents of this composite or record did not meet the conditional requirements. The errorMessage variable contains the number of the condition that failed. If you had a validation string of C010203R0405 and both conditions failed, the error message would state that rules 0 and 1 were violated. If only the second is violated, it states that the rule 1 was violated.
If you require more detail about conditional validator errors, set the flag/detailedErrors input variable of the pub.flatFile:convertToValues service to true. For a description of the error details that convertToValues service generates when you set flag/detailedErrors to true, see Entries for Conditional Validator Errors in the errorDetails Array.
Indicates that this record is not defined anywhere in the flat file schema. You will receive this error only when you have not specified a Default Record or selected Allow Undefined Data where this record appears in the flat file. If you have specified either of these properties, you will not receive this error.
Indicates that this record is defined in this flat file schema, but it occurs in the flat file in a location prohibited by the flat file schema.
Reserved for future use.
In the flat file schema, you specified a maximum repeat value in the Max Repeat property for a particular record. The number of record instances in the flat file exceeded the specified maximum number of repeats.
Reserve for future use.
Within a record, this indicates that the record contains a composite or field error. For a composite, this indicates the that composite contains a subfield error.
A string could not be formatted into the intended format. A format service reported that the data could not be formatted properly. For information about field format services, see Format Services.
Indicates that a conditional validation rule requires a field, but that field is not present in the data.
Indicates that a field is excluded by a conditional validation rule, but the field is present in the data.