Integration Server 10.5 | Flat File Schema Developer's Guide | Validation Errors | Validation Error Contents
Validation Error Contents
General Error Entries in the errors Array
Entries for Conditional Validator Errors in the errorDetails Array
When the validate variable of the pub.flatFile:convertToValues service is set to true and an object within the flat file does not conform to the flat file schema, the service generates errors when validating the flat file. If the service finds that an object is invalid, it returns validation errors in the errors output of the convertToValues service.
Example of Validation Results
This errors array contains the following types of information about the errors that occurred in a record during validation.
*Each error in a record generates one entry in the errors array. For more information about the fields in the errors array, see General Error Entries in the errors Array.
*Each error in a child record also generates one item within the parent record, which appears nested in the error array in the variable childErrors.
*Errors with conditional validators can generate detail information about the conditions violated in a child errorDetails array, one entry in the array for each violated condition. The pub.flatFile:convertToValues service only generates details about violated conditions when the flag/detailedErrors input variable of the pub.flatFile:convertToValues service is set to true. For more information, see Entries for Conditional Validator Errors in the errorDetails Array.