Integration Server 10.5 | Developing Data Synchronization Solutions with webMethods Mobile Support | Developing Solutions Using Mobile Support | Managing Mobile Sync Components | Deleting a Mobile Sync Component
Deleting a Mobile Sync Component
You can delete a mobile sync component if that component is disabled or suspended and if the component is not associated with any mobile applications.
*To delete a mobile sync component
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Solutions menu of the Navigation panel, click Mobile Support.
3. Remove any associations between the mobile sync component and mobile applications as follows:
a. In the Navigation panel, click Mobile Applications.
b. On the Mobile Applications screen, check the Mobile Sync Component Aliases column. If the mobile sync component you want to delete is listed in that column, click the name of the application with which it is associated.
c. On the Edit Mobile Applications screen, clear the mobile sync component from the list of mobile sync component aliases, and then click Save Changes.
4. In the Navigation panel, click Mobile Sync Components.
5. If the mobile sync component you want to delete is enabled, do the one of the following:
*Disable the mobile sync component by clicking the Yes link in the Enabled column for that component.
*Suspend the mobile sync component by clicking the Suspend link in the Action column next to the mobile sync component. This option only applies when the mobile sync component is configured to store business data in the sync store.
6. Click the Delete button to the right of the mobile sync component you want to delete.