Editing a Mobile Sync Component
You can edit a mobile sync component to specify a different download or upload service, specify a different business document type or different row identifiers, change filter keys, or change the conflict resolution rule that Mobile Support applies to any new synchronization requests the server receives. You can also change whether Mobile Support stores business objects in the sync store. For requests that were still in progress when the mobile sync component was changed, Mobile Support will apply the parameters that were in place when those requests were submitted.
You can edit a mobile sync component only when that component is disabled.

To edit a mobile sync component
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Solutions menu of the Navigation panel, click Mobile Support.
3. In the Navigation panel, click Mobile Sync Components.
4. If the Enabled column to the right of the mobile sync component contains No (Suspended) or Yes, do one of the following to disable the component:

If the mobile sync component is enabled, click the
Yes link in the
Enabled column.

If the mobile sync component is suspended, click the
Clear Store link in the
Action column to clear the sync store and disable the component.
5. In the Alias column, click the alias of the mobile sync component.
6. On the Edit Mobile Sync Component screen, change the following parameters as desired:
For this parameter... | Specify... |
Download Service | The fully qualified name of the flow service created to return data from the backend application to the mobile device. |
Upload Service | The fully qualified name of the flow service created to send data from the mobile device to the backend application. |
Business Doc Type | The fully qualified name of the IS document type to use to define the structure of the data to be synchronized. |
Row Identifiers | One or more field names from the business document type that you want to use to uniquely identify the record to be synchronized. Separate field names with commas. |
Filter | Optional. One or more keys that specify which records to return to the mobile application. Separate key names with commas. The filter keys you specify here must be present in the business document type, and the mobile application should send these same keys in the synchronization request. Mobile Support sends the requesting mobile application only the set of records that matches the filter, as follows:  If more than one filter key is passed, Mobile Support returns only those records that match all of the specified filter keys.  If a filter key contains more than one value, Mobile Support returns records that match any of the values. |
Conflict Resolution Rule | The rule that Mobile Support should use when determining how to resolve conflicts that arise with new synchronization requests. Select either Client wins or Server wins. |
Store Business Data | Whether to store, in the sync store, the business data to be synchronized. Recommended settings are as follows:  If the backend data is updated only by mobile applications that submit synchronization requests to Mobile Support, clear this check box.  If the backend data is updated by the backend application, outside of Mobile Support, as well as by mobile applications that submit synchronization requests to Mobile Support, select this check box. Doing so assists Mobile Support in detecting and resolving data conflicts. |
7. Click Save Changes.