Integration Server 10.5 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Using Configuration Variables Templates with Microservices Runtime | Generating a Configuration Variables Template
Generating a Configuration Variables Template
Microservices Runtime provides a utility to generate a configuration variables template based on the configuration of a running Microservices Runtime. This configuration variables template reflects the current configuration of the Microservices Runtime.
After the Microservices Runtime is configured, you can use the utility to generate the template. The resulting template serves as the starting point for creating a customized configuration variables template.
Because a configuration variables template can be used to modify existing configuration on Microservices Runtime only, make sure you fully configure the Microservices Runtime for all facilities and features that you wish to be modified dynamically. This applies only if IS_10.5_Core_Fix7 or later, which includes PIE-65555, is not applied.
Before you generate the configuration variables template from a Microservices Runtime, you might want to:
*Make sure that the Settings > Extended page displays all of the server configuration parameters that you want to set with the template. To show settings, use Microservices Runtime Administrator to navigate to Settings > Extended > Show and Hide Keys. Select the check box next to each server configuration parameter that you want to appear in the template, and click Save Changes.
*Ensure that the keystores and truststores are loaded. When a keystore or truststore is loaded it indicates that the keystore or truststore configuration is valid and that the Microservices Runtime initialized the keystore or truststore alias successfully. To see if a keystore or truststore is loaded, navigate to the Security > Keystore page and ensure that the Loaded column displays Yes.
You can create a configuration variables template manually. You do not need to generate a template from an existing configured Microservices Runtime. However, generating the template from a Microservices Runtime is a time-saving option that provides a starting point. A generated template may also be less prone to errors with key names in the template than a template created manually.
*To generate a configuration variables template
1. Open the Microservices Runtime Administrator for the Microservices Runtime from which you want to generate the variables
2. In the Microservices menu of the Navigation panel, click Configuration Variables.
3. On the Microservices > Configuration Variables page, click Generate Configuration Variables Template.
Microservices Runtime generates an file. The application.propeties file includes the text #Sample Generated Template followed by the date and time of the generation.
4. Download the file and save it to your preferred location for editing.
The generated application.proeperties file includes the following:
*The date and time that Microservices Runtime generated the template.
*Key-value pairs for asset properties for which a value is specified on the Microservices Runtime. The template does not include variables for assets that do not exist or for asset properties that are not specified.
For a list of assets and properties for which Microservices Runtime generates configuration variables see Configuration Variables Template Assets.
In the template, any key that contain a period (.) as part of its name is escaped using another period. For example, for a JMS connection alias named my.JMS.alias, the template property corresponding to the Client ID in the alias the name:
*Key-value pairs for the server configuration parameters that were configured to show on the Extended Settings page only.
*Keystore and truststore alias properties for keystores and truststores that were loaded at the time of template generation only.
*Encrypted values for any passwords that appear as property values in the template.
*For a configured asset, the configuration variables template lists properties only for which a value is specified. For example, if you specify a client ID for a JMS connection alias, but do not specify a user name or password for use with the JMS connection alias, the configuration variables template contains jms.aliasName.clientID=value but not jms.aliasName.password or jms.aliasName.user.