Integration Server 10.5 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Using Configuration Variables Templates with Microservices Runtime | Creating New Assets with the Configurations Variable Template
Creating New Assets with the Configurations Variable Template
For some asset types, you can add assets to Microservices Runtime by adding key-value pairs to the configuration variables template that is applied at start up. Any asset that you create must meet the naming requirements for the asset. An incorrectly configured asset can cause Microservices Runtime start up fail or result in failure during later server operations.
To add an asset to a configuration variables template, follow the procedure and guidelines in Editing a Configuration Variables Template.
The following list identifies the asset types for which you can create an asset through application of a configuration variables template:
*Email port
*File polling port
*Global variable
*JDBC pool alias
*JMS connection alias
*JNDI provider alias
*Keystore alias
*LDAP configuration
*Proxy server alias
*Remote server alias
*SFTP server alias
*SFTP user alias
*Truststore alias
*Universal Messaging connection alias (webMethods messaging)
*User account