Integration Server 10.5 | Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide | Introduction to the Publish-and-Subscribe Model
Introduction to the Publish-and-Subscribe Model
Software AG Designer enables users to build integration solutions locally within one webMethods Integration Server or across multiple Integration Servers all exchanging information via Software AG Universal Messaging or webMethods Broker. This guide is for developers and administrators who want to make use of this capability.
With Software AG Designer, you can create webMethods messaging triggers and JMS triggers. A webMethods messaging trigger is trigger that subscribes to and processes documents published/delivered locally or to the Broker or Universal Messaging. A JMS trigger is a trigger that receives messages from a destination (queue or topic) on a JMS provider and then processes those messages. This guide discusses development and use of webMethods messaging triggers only. Where the term triggers appears in this guide, it refers to webMethods messaging triggers.
Prior to Integration Server 9.5 SP1, a webMethods messaging trigger was called a Broker/local trigger.
Note:webMethods Broker is deprecated.
This guide describes features and functionality that may or may not be available with your licensed version of Integration Server. For information about the licensed components for your installation, see the Settings > License page in the Integration Server Administrator.