Integration Server 10.5 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | SOAP Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.soap.handler:generateDocumentTypesFromWSDL
WmPublic. Generates IS document types from a WSDL.
Input Parameters
String Optional. Network accessible URL to a WSDL document or the path to and name of a WSDL on the same file system as the Integration Server.
All the XML Schema definitions and WSDL documents imported by or included by the target WSDL document must be network accessible or on the local file system as well.
String Optional. WSDL document as a string.
All the XML Schema definitions and WSDL documents imported by or included by the target WSDL document must be network accessible or on the local file system as well.
String Name of the package in which to place the generated IS document types on Integration Server.
String Name of the folder in which to place the generated IS document types. Use the format folder.subfolder to specify the folder name. The folder must be empty or must not yet exist.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether the service should generate the documents corresponding to headers in the SOAP messages described in the WSDL document. Set to:
*true to generate the documents. This is the default.
*false to skip generating the documents.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether the service should generate the documents corresponding to SOAP body in the SOAP messages described in the WSDL document. Set to:
*true to generate the documents.
*false to skip generating the documents. This is the default.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether the service should generate the documents corresponding to SOAP faults in the SOAP messages described in the WSDL document. Set to:
*true to generate the documents.
*false to skip generating the documents. This is the default.
generateXOPObject ForBase64Binary
String Optional. Flag indicating whether the service should generate fields of type com.wm.util.XOPObject corresponding to the xsd:base64Binary elements. Set to:
*true to generate fields of type com.wm.util.XOPObject.
*false to skip generating fields of type com.wm.util.XOPObject. This is the default.
content ModelCompliance
String Optional. Flag that specifies how strictly the service represents content models from the XML Schema definition in the generated IS document types. Set to:
*Strict to generate the IS document type only if Integration Server can represent the content models defined in the XML Schema definition correctly. Document type generation fails if Integration Server cannot accurately represent the content models in the source XML Schema definition.
Currently, Integration Server does not support repeating model groups, nested model groups, or the any attribute. If you select strict compliance, Integration Server does not generate an IS document type from any XML schema definition that contains those items.
*Lax to generate an IS document type that correctly represents the content models for the complex types defined in the XML schema definition, when possible. If Integration Server cannot correctly represent the content model in the XML Schema definition in the resulting IS document type, Integration Server generates the IS document type using a compliance mode of None.
When compliance is set to lax, Integration Server will generate the IS document type even if the content models in the XML schema definition cannot be represented correctly.
*None to generate an IS document type that does not necessarily represent or maintain the content models in the source XML Schema definition.
When compliance is set to none, Integration Server generates IS document types the same way they were generated in Integration Server releases prior to version 8.2.
Output Parameters
Document List Conditional. Contains any warnings encountered while generating IS document types from the provided WSDL.
Usage Notes
wsdlURL and wsdlString are mutually exclusive. Even though the parameters are optional, you must specify one or the other. If you do not specify either, Integration Server displays the following error:
ISS.0088.9422 Either parameter {0} or {1} must be provided.
If you specify values for wsdlURL and wsdlString, Integration Server uses wsdlString and ignores wsdlURL.
If the WSDL provided in wsdlURL or wsdlString is invalid, the service ends in error.
If the package specified in targetPackageName does not exist, the service ends in error.
If the folder specified in targetFolderName does not exist, Integration Server creates it when the service executes.
If the folder specified in targetFolderName exists but is not empty, the service ends in error.
If you want execute this service for the same WSDL more than once, make sure to specify a different targetFolderName or delete the contents of targetFolderName before re-executing the service for the WSDL again.
If the service ends in error, it throws any errors or warnings as an exception and does not create any IS document types. However, if the service encounters warnings, it places the warnings in the warnings field and generates any IS document types.