Integration Server 10.5 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Metadata Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.metadata.assets:publishPackages
WmAssetPublisher. Publishes metadata about Integration Server packages, the supported assets in the package, and administrative assets to the CentraSite shared registry.
Input Parameters
String A comma-separated list of Integration Server packages about which you want to publish metadata.
String Whether to publish information about Integration Server administrative assets to the CentraSite shared registry. Specify one of the following values:
*True to indicate that information about administrative assets will be published to the CentraSite shared registry. This is the default.
*False to indicate that information about administrative assets will not be published to the CentraSite shared registry.
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
*Use the pub.metadata.assets:publishPackages service to publish metadata about Integration Server packages and administrative assets to CentraSite on a scheduled basis. To schedule this service, create a scheduled task that executes this service. For instructions about creating a scheduled task, see Scheduling a User Task.
*For the pub.metadata.assets:publishPackages service to execute successfully, Integration Server must be configured to connect to CentraSite and the CentraSite connection must be available. If Integration Server is not configured to connect to CentraSite or the connection is not available, Integration Server returns a ServiceException. For information about configuring the connection to CentraSite, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
*When this service executes, it publishes metadata using Integration Server credentials.