Integration Server 10.5 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Event Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.event.routing:unsubscribe
WmPublic. Removes a subscription to an event type previously subscribed to using the pub.event.routing:subscribe service.
Input Parameters
String Fully qualified name of the event type from which you want to unsubscribe. For example, {}PartInventoryLow is an event type identifier used for inventory management. Integration Server maintains a list of default event types in the directory Integration Server_directory /common/EventTypeStore on the machine where Software AG Universal Messaging is installed.
String Fully qualified name of the service specified in the serviceName parameter of the pub.event.routing:subscribe service. Integration Server uses either a combination of the eventTypeName and serviceName or the subscriberId to determine the correct event type subscription to unsubscribe.
String Optional. User-specified unique identifier specified in the subscriberId parameter of the pub.event.routing:subscribe service.
Integration Server uses either the subscriberId or a combination of the eventTypeName and serviceName to determine the correct event type subscription to unsubscribe.
String Optional. Indicates whether or not to remove the durable subscription for the specified subscriberId from the messaging provider while unsubscribing from an event type. Set to:
*true to remove the durable subscription for an event type from the messaging provider.
If set to true, the subscription for the specified event type and the corresponding subscriberID is removed from the messaging provider. If you want to receive notifications for the event type again, you must create new a subscription using the pub.event.routing:subscribe service.
If removeDurable is set to true, you must specify a subscriberID.
*false to retain the durable subscription on the messaging provider after unsubscribing from an event type. This is the default.
If set to false, you can resume the subscription by giving the same subscriberID in the pub.event.routing:subscribe service.
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
This service replaces pub.event.nerv:unsubscribe, which has been removed.
See Also