Microservices Runtime 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Items | Release 10.15
Release 10.15
Added Items
*Multiple configuration variables templates can be used. Configuration can now be specified in multiple configuration variables templates (sometimes referred to as application.properties files). At start up, Microservices applies the files in the same order in which the files are listed in the SAG_IS_CONFIG_PROPERTIES environment variable.
*Creating and configuring ACLs via a configuration variables template. ACLs (Access control lists) can now be created and edited via application of a configuration variables template.
*Creating and configuring groups via a configuration variables template. Groups for users can now be created and edited via application of a configuration variables template.
*New configuration variable for setting the default messaging connection alias. A configuration variables template can now include the key messaging.connectionAliasName.default=true for setting the default messaging connection alias.
*Default value for messaging type configuration variable. The messaging.connectionAliasName.type key can be set to UM or Broker. The default is UM.
*New configuration variable to indicate a global variable is secure. A configuration variables template can now include the key globalvariable.globalVariableName.isSecure=true to indicate the global variable is secure or is a password.
*New Prometheus metrics for reporting the number of server threads in use and the maximum configured server threads. The /metrics endpoint now returns the server thread metrics sag_is_server_threads (the number of server threads from the server thread pool currently in use) and sag_is_server_maxthreads (the maximum number of server threads in the server thread pool).
Deprecated Items
*The WmConsul package is deprecated. You can develop services that work with the latest Consul API by following the Consul API documentation at https://www.consul.io/api-docs. The WmConsul package is compatible with Consul version 1.6.9 or earlier.
Changed Items
*SAG_IS_CONFIG_PROPERTIES environment variable Now accepts multiple template files or directories containing template files. Previously, the variable could specify one template only. Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple templates and/or directories.
*Key names for LDAP configuration properties The key names for LDAP configuration now use a UUID automatically generated by Microservices Runtime instead of the LDAP directory. When an application.properties file is generated by Microservices Runtime, the UUID is automatically generated by Microservices Runtime. When using an application.properties file to create an LDAP configuration, make sure to specify a unique value in the UUID portion of the key name.