Resetting the IP Access Setting for an Individual Port
To reset the IP access setting for an individual port
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Server > Ports.
3. Under Port List, locate the port for which you want to reset the IP access setting and click on the port number.
4. In the View <port type> Details page, identify the package that is associated with it. For example, port 5555 is typically associated with the WmRoot package.
5. Shut down Integration Server.
6. Navigate to the Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/packages/package_name/config directory for that package and open the listeners.cnf file.
7. Locate the hostAllow parameter and update it to specify the IP address of a host you want to allow to use this port, as in the following example:
<array name="hostAllow" type="value" depth="1">
8. Save the file and restart Integration Server.