Naming Rules for webMethods Broker Document Fields
When you save a trigger, Integration Server evaluates the filter to make sure it uses the proper syntax. Some field names that are valid on Integration Server are not valid on the Broker. If you want a filter to be saved on the Broker, you need to make sure that fields in filters conform to the following rules:
Names must be unicode values.
Characters must be alphanumeric, underscore, and plus codes over
The first character cannot be a numeric character (0–9) or an underscore (_).
Names cannot contain symbols, spaces, or non-printable-ANSI.
Following is a list of reserved words:
acl | any | boolean | broker |
byte | char | client | clientgroup |
const | date | double | enum |
event | eventtype | extends | false |
family | final | float | host |
import | infoset | int | long |
nal | null | server | short |
string | struct | territory | true |
typedef | unicode_char | unicode_string | typedef |
unicode_char | unicode_string | union | unsigned |
If Integration Server determines that the syntax is valid for the Broker, it saves the filter with the subscription on the Broker. If Integration Server determines that the filter syntax is not valid on the Broker or if attempting to save the filter on the Broker would cause an error, Integration Server saves the subscription on the Broker without the filter. The filter will be saved only on Integration Server.
Note:webMethods Broker is deprecated.