messageContext | Object Optional. Message context containing the SOAP message from which to retrieve the web service invocation properties. A message context contains properties for the SOAP message and provides access to the SOAP message. Integration Server creates the message context and passes it to the handler. All handlers invoked by a given instance of a SOAP request or SOAP response use the same message context, which enables you to use the message context to pass information among handlers. |
soapAction | String SOAP action associated with the SOAP message request. | |
binderName | String Name of the WSBinder being invoked. | |
binding | String Binding against which the service was invoked. | |
portType | String Port type against which the service was invoked. | |
operationQName | Document Qualified name for the web service wrapper. The service only returns operationQName for RPC/Encoded and RPC/Literal services. | |
Key | Description | |
namespaceName | String Namespace name for the web service operation. | |
localName | String Name of the web service operation that was invoked. | |
style | String Style of the SOAP message. Possible values are: document rpc | |
use | String Use of the SOAP message. Possible values are: literal encoded | |
inbound | String Flag indicating whether the message is incoming or outgoing. A value of: true indicates that the SOAP message is incoming. false indicates that the SOAP message is outgoing. | |
soapVersion | String SOAP version of the message. Possible values are: SOAP11 SOAP12 |