Integration Server 10.11 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using the Dashboard | Configuring the Dashboard
Configuring the Dashboard
The gathering and storing of statistics displayed on the Dashboard consume Integration Server resources such as memory, JDBC pool connections, threads, and disk space. Integration Server Administrator provides options for limiting the resources used for the Dashboard.
All of the options for the Dashboard configuration can be set through configuration parameters available in the monitor.cnf which is located in Integration Server_directory /instances/instanceName/config/monitor/monitor.cnf. For a complete list of configuration parameters for the Statistics Data Collector, see Statistics Data Collector Configuration Parameters.
*To configure the Dashboard
1. In Integration Server Administrator click > Dashboard configuration.
2. In the Dashboard configuration dialog, specify the following configuration options:
Statistics Data Collection
Whether or not the Statistics Data Collector is enabled. When disabled, the Statistics Data Collector does not consume any resource or add any overhead to Integration Server. In some environments, such as when Integration Server acts as the Enterprise Gateway Server, you will want to disable the Statistics Data Collector.
When the Statistics Data Collector is disabled, many of the tables and graphs on the Dashboard will be empty.
This option corresponds to the enabled parameter in the monitor.cnf.
Maximum number of results
Maximum number of results permitted by the Statistics Data Collector. The minimum value is 1.
Default: 1500000
This option corresponds to the maxResults parameter in the monitor.cnf.
Memory size (MB)
Number of megabytes of memory in the JVM to dedicate to the Statistics Data Collector. The minimum value is 256.
Default: 256
This option corresponds to the luceneMemorySize parameter in the monitor.cnf.
Indexer thread count
Number of resources that may be indexed concurrently. If there are more index tasks than there are available threads, the tasks wait until a thread becomes available. Indexer threads are from a separate thread pool; that is, indexer threads are not from the server thread pool. The minimum value is 2.
Default: 8
This option corresponds to the indexerThreadCount parameter in the monitor.cnf.
Maximum JDBC pool connections
Number of concurrent JDBC connections from the JDBC pool used by the ISInternal function that can be used by the Statistics Data Collector. The minimum value is 4.
Default: 4
The JDBC pool alias used by the ISInternal function must have a Maximum Connections value that supports the number of connections that can be used with the Statistics Data Collector.
This option corresponds to the maxJdbcPoolConnections parameter in the monitor.cnf.
Searcher thread count
Number of search requests that can execute concurrently. If the number of search requests exceeds this value, the pending search requests block until a currently executing search request completes. The minimum value is 2.
Default: 8
This option corresponds to the searcherThreadCount parameter in the monitor.cnf.
Retention days
Maximum number of days to retain data in the database used by the Statistics Data Collector. The minimum value is 1.
Default: 30
This option corresponds to the retentionDays parameter in the monitor.cnf.
3. Click Save. Integration Server reloads the Dashboard configuration settings.
Changing the Dashboard configuration does not result in a restart of the Statistics Data Collector. However, if you disable the Statistics Data Collector, it shuts down and stops all activity.