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Configuring Keystore in Microgateway
Microgateway comes with a default keystore, containing a private and a public key for HTTPS communication with the user. The keystore is located in Install_dir/Microgateway/config/keystore.jks and you can manage the keystore with an entry in config/system-settings.yml file.
At times, you may want to use a private and public key within a keystore, due to the fact that a Microgateway can be duplicated with the createInstance command and the keystore can be copied as well.
*To configure keystore in Microgateway
1. Create a self-signed certificate.
You perform this step only if you want to use self-signed certificates. If you are using the existing certificates, go to Step 2.
a. To create a keystore file, run the following command with the required information:
cd …/Microgateway/config
keytool -genkeypair –alias microgateway_cert -keyalg RSA
-keysize 2048 -keystore microgateway_keystore.jks –storepass yourpwd
This creates the keystore file.
b. Open the system-settings.yml file and update the following information.
type: JKS
provider: SUN
location: config/microgateway_keystore.jks
password: yourpwd
On the first access of the Microgateway server, the keystore password gets encrypted and inserted into the Microgateway's passman file to avoid a clear-text password in the file.
2. Start the Microgateway server with an HTTPS port to communicate over HTTPS.
For example:
./microgateway.sh start --https_port 7072 -a BayernRest.zip