webMethods Microgateway Help 10.3 | webMethods Microgateway Help | Asset and Configuration Provisioning | Configuration Provisioning
Configuration Provisioning
Microgateway works with a system configuration file, which is installed with default settings under config/system-settings.yml. The file contains the following entries:
*faults: contains variables for error handling during runtime.
*extended_settings: various kinds of settings for runtime.
*gateway_destination: API Gateway settings for logging into API Gateway.
*es_destination: Elasticsearch settings for logging into Elasticsearch.
*key_store: Keystore settings for establishing https connections.
*trust_store: Truststore settings for HTTPS handshake for specific policies.
*system: internal settings.
Configuration is part of the export archive or pulled from API Gateway.
When you start Microgateway with an archive (either directly or by pulling from a running API Gateway) the settings are incorporated and used.
By default all settings are picked up from the export archive or pulled from API Gateway and the default configuration settings in system-settings.yml are overwritten. To avoid overwriting the default configuration the retain-settings option can be specified when starting Microgateway. When you specify the retain_settings option the specified and non-empty parameters from system-settings.yml are used instead of those from the export archive or the settings pulled from API Gateway.
To enable the policy enforcement on a Microgateway the following configurations need to be provisioned in Microgateway:
The default configuration is available in the config/system_settings.yml:
default_error_message: "API Gateway encountered an error.
Error Message: $ERROR_MESSAGE. Request Details: Service - $SERVICE,
Operation - $OPERATION, Invocation Time:$TIME, Date:$DATE,
Client IP - $CLIENT_IP, User - $USER and Application:$CONSUMER_APPLICATION"

native_provider_fault: "false"

defaultEncoding: "UTF-8"
apiKeyHeader: "x-Gateway-APIKey"
apig_MENConfiguration_tickInterval: "60"
events.collectionQueue.size: "10000"
events.collectionPool.minThreads: "1"
events.collectionPool.maxThreads: "8"

sendPolicyViolationEvent: "true"

protocol: "http"
hostName: "localhost"
port: "9240"
indexName: "gateway_default_analytics"
userName: ""
password: ""
sendPolicyViolationEvent: "true"

type: JKS
provider: SUN
location: config/keystore.jks
password: manage

version: "@full_version@"

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