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4.2.6 fix 002

Release Date : September 26, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01534] On view creation/modification: for criteria definition, user can't remove added criteria if an operator is not selected, but an operator may not be required to remove criteria.
  • [01535] Cannot set a view Id with accentuated character. Accentuated character breaks selection links, disabling view selection, modification, deletion....
  • [01538] A NullPointerException occurs after modifying a record that doesn't match the current applied filter anymore.
  • [01540] Complex type or list type are displayed in table as "see details" even if value is null or list is empty.
  • [01542] Table field full label does not appear in an advisory information (html title), even if label is troncated on display.
  • [01544] Spelling error in webMethods Master Data Manager labels and messages.
  • [01545] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may occurs while validating a pattern on node value.
  • [01547] Merge button 'Fusionner maintenant" cannot be seen entirely in French version. The wording of the button must be shortened.
  • [01548] Old version of MS Internet Explorer may cache webMethods Master Data Manager page.

Performance enhancements

Content validation (instance, branch or version) performance enhanced by 10 to 20%.



4.2.6 fix 001

Release Date : September 19, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01528] XPath resolution does not work if a path in predicate specifies a node that is under a terminal node.
  • [01529] Problem of concurrent access: while executing a long transaction, other users cannot connect and navigate through webMethods Master Data Manager.
  • [01530] Validation performance is strongly degraded on some large repositories.
  • [01531] Branch creation performance is degraded because in some situations the process forces the load of all the associated content.
  • [01532] Access rights are created when a version is created however those rights have no meaning since version permissions are deduced from the associated branch. These access rights are also visible on the branch access rights table.

Performance enhancements

The resolution of bug #01529 now allows several users to navigate through webMethods Master Data Manager while another user is executing a long transaction, for example an import.

The resolution of bug #01531 provides much better performance when a version or a branch is created. On large repositories the measured creation time has been divided by five.

Inheritance lookup has been optimized. For large repositories with several hundreds of instances and a strong rate of inheritance among these instances, measured validation time has been divided by three.

Maximal number of validation messages

It is now possible to set a limit on the number of validation messages. A new property, mdm.validation.messages.threshold, has been added for setting the maximal number of messages in a single validation report.

For more information, see Main Configuration.

Inconsistent key constraint

Schema validation now detects the particular and inconsistent case where mdm:tableRef is set on a primary key element and it refers to the table itself.




Release Date : September 12, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [00225] In documentation, for access properties, we must add the following default cases :
    - if the node is a computed value (use of mdm:function) then it is "R-";
    - if the node is a complex multi-occurrenced then it is "RW".
  • [01277] NMTOKENS is a list of NMTOKEN, so "token1      token2" should be equal to "token1 token2".
  • [01516] No pattern facet is implemented for datatypes NMTOKEN and NMTOKENS.
  • [01517] When parsing user input, a non empty sequence of whitespaces is preserved in cache but it is actually collapsed in persistent repository.
  • [01518] In history.xml, new values are trimmed even if they are indeed preserved in repository.
  • [01520] When a user create a version of a branch, the owner of the version is "Administrator". Thus, the user cannot see the content of its version.
  • [01521] An archive import fails if an element declared as mdm:table contains an element with the same name.
  • [01522] An XML import aborts and returns a message that is not clear if the XML document contains an element that is not declared in the schema.
  • [01525] In XML Schema document, if two constraints are specified ("mdm:constraint" tag) on the same element, this is considered as a schema validation error.

Whitespaces management

The behaviour toward whitespaces has been extensively reviewed. A more consistent approach has been adopted for the various processes that involve whitespaces management: XML import/export, archive import/export, user input/display, history.

Three main principles have been applied:

  • conformance to XML Schema recommendation that requires to preserve whitespaces for xs:string elements;
  • prevention of ambiguous user input for primary keys by means of a default pattern;
  • support of any specific customer's Master Data (including primar keys with whitespaces).

For more details, see Whitespaces management.

Warnings :

  • Since XML imports now preserves primary keys, they may have a different result from an import on a previous version.
  • The new default constraint on primary keys may to new validation errors on existing repositories. Those errors can be removed by specifying a xs:pattern that accepts whitespaces.

Comparisons between branches and versions

On Manager, a new option has been added to branch and version panes for comparing them with another branch or version.

Grant of specific privileges at session level

The following new method have been added to the API

Those methods can be used in the directory authentication methods for granting a user the privilege of executing a specific service only under specific and well-controlled circumstances (for example a merge can be done only if branch is fully validated).

The particular authentication can be safely ensured by means of a ticketing process.

Property for Manager import commit threshold

A new property, mdm.manager.import.commit.threshold, has been added for setting the commit threshold when the user performs an import from the branch pane.

For more details, see Main Configuration.