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4.2.2 fix 004

Release Date : June 29, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01476] Table print fails if a type boolean has null value.
  • [01477] UIBeanEditor.validateInput(UIRequestContext) when the UIRenderingMode is not edition.
  • [01478] Adding a criteria in a view may request to press the "Add" button twice.
  • [01479] Any profile allowed in the branch can modifiy branch documentation.
  • [01480] ProcedureContext.doMergeToParent(AdaptationHome) raises exception when merging a Reference child branch.
  • [01481] Import archive button does not work with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • [01483] Adaptation permissions viewed in webMethods Master Data Manager may not be the right permissions for the current branch, after navigating through branches.

4.2.2 fix 003

Release Date : June 25, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01474] A table node, with a dynamic constraint with a reference to a node outside the table, causes a PathAccessExceptionon filtering.
  • [01475] webMethods Master Data Manager table display consumes much resources on Microsoft Internet Explorer.


  • Added a method for merging a source branch to current branch. See ProcedureContext.doMergeToParent(AdaptationHome).

4.2.2 fix 002

Release Date : June 22, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01471] Web resources are not setup as required if templates.checksIfUpdated is set to false in mdm.properties. This causes a NullPointerException after switching language in webMethods Master Data Manager.
  • [01472] Table key node is editable while creating a record in a pre-filtered view (ex: via navigation link) if this node is targeted by the filter specification.


  • Add a user preferred language switcher in My Profile page of webMethods Master Data Manager

4.2.2 fix 001

Release Date : June 21, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01469] User cannot change webMethods Master Data Manager session locale.
  • [01470] Filters on table are too restrictive for String elements with nomenclature constraint (ex: mdm:tableRef). This causes mdm:select to return an empty selection.


Release Date : June 19, 2007

Bug Fixes

  • [01454] When importing a changeset, the import procedure tooks adapations in the order regardless the presence of parent into archive but verifying only the presence in the target. Now the procedure adds parent if necessary.
  • [01455] After an instance has been validated, if a parent instance that is does inherit from is updated, then the « validate now » action is not enabled, even if validation result has been potentially impacted.
  • [01456] If a « root » occurrence is defined in an instance, the user is still able to create a « root » occurrence with same primary key in an ancestor. The general principle that is applied here is to avoid blocking situations during users' interaction and to detect problems through validation. However, here the validation does not report this particular situation.
  • [01457] Some actions performed in the Manager are not logged to history with full details on the update done (for example an occurrence deletion does not specify the occurrence deleted).
  • [01463] A 'read-only' user is able to merge or close a branch.
  • [01464] Node selection does not show all node path name if path name is very long (MS I.E. only).
  • [01465] Browser history back button causes 'Invalid Request' error messages.
  • [01466] Some fr_FR locale specific issues have been reported on webMethods Master Data Manager.


  • Add an option to prevent the use of browser history back button. This option is set by default and can be unset via webMethods Master Data Manager configuration adaptation ("Ergonomic & behaviour policy").
    webMethods Master Data Manager does not support back navigation in browser history; If this option is disabled, user may face many 'Invalid Request' error messages while going back in browser navigation history.
  • Enlarge node list selection for defining permission.