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Release Date  : April 20, 2007


Enhance webMethods Master Data Manager header when using Manager as Component.

Bug fixes:

  • [01406] Exception in webMethods Master Data Manager merge preparation process if an occurrence to display has a key column linked to an another table with composite key (already fixed in 4.1.0 but release notes does not mention it).
  • [01418] User profile edition screen redisplays Manager header within frame.
  • [01419] Branch information edition screen redisplays Manager header within frame.
  • [01420] Branch access right edition screen redisplays Manager header within frame.

Known limitations:

  • Performance: for large number of tables (in the order of 10,000 tables) and for large number of occurrences (in the order of 10,000,000 occurrences), optimizations are not yet available.
  • Merge process: in case of instances' add-add conflict, tables in the source are ignored.
    Workaround: first create instances and merge, then tables may be populated and merged.
  • Comparison and Merge: Header informations are not yet included in the comparison user interface nor in the merge process.
    Workaround: for merging header informations, a least one value must be updated on instance.
  • Repository locking: it is not yet detected when two Java virtual machines share the same physical repository.
    Workaround: Repositories' administrator must take care that a repository is not refered by two environments.
  • Access right management: a node can be set as ReadWrite even if it is not adaptable according to schema definition.


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