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3.7.1 fix001 [449:0001]

Date  : November 29, 2006


Bug fixes:

  • [01342] Prevent loading & validating adaptation content to calculate com.softwareag.mdm.service.AccessRule if no com.softwareag.mdm.schema.SchemaExtensions defined in adaptation schema.

3.7.1 [449]

Date  : November 24, 2006


Bug fixes:

  • [01337] The variables generated from xml schema are no more in upper case.
  • [01338] An element within a complex multi-occurrence is considered as mandatory by webMethods Master Data Manager, even if it is optional. This causes a NullPointerException in webMethods Master Data Manager.
  • [01339] When the execution of a procedure raises an exception, the cache is reset but it does not fully recover Java memory.
  • [01340] Using a specific user directory causes a ClassCastException on adaptation edition locking.


  • com.softwareag.mdm.service.ServiceContext has 3 new methods for handling web resources in modules:
    • ServiceContext.getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName) returns the URL of the Web resource specified, in the current module and for the current session locale.
    • ServiceContext.getURLForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale) returns the URL of the Web resource specified, in the current module (that is, the module of the current adaptation).
    • ServiceContext.getURLForResource(String aModuleAliasOrName, ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale) returns the URL of the Web resource specified.
  • com.softwareag.mdm.ui.UIHttpNavigationLink has 1 new method:
    • UIHttpNavigationLink.addLinkToAdaptationNode(Adaptation target, Path targetPath, UIContext aContext) writes an url link to the node at path in a specific instance adaptation.
  • Added com.softwareag.mdm.service.Session attributes
    • Session.getAttribute(String aName) returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name.
    • Session.getAttributeNames() returns a Set of String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session.
    • Session.setAttribute(String aName, Object aValue) binds an object to this session, using the name specified. If an object of the same name is already bound to the session, the object is replaced.


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