Field | Description |
Status | Current status of the service. |
Duration | Duration of the service execution. The interval in ms from the time the service was started until the time the service was completed. |
Last updated | Date and time on which the activity indicated by the Status (for example, Failed) is logged. In this box you will also have links to the details of the root, parent, last audited parent, and child services. |
Service name | Fully-qualified name of the service. |
Custom context ID | Custom value that you can define for the Context ID of an executed service by using the pub.flow:setCustomContextID service. |
Root context ID | Context information that service monitoring uses to connect related entries from different logs. Context ID of the root-level service. |
Parent context ID | Context ID of the service that invoked the service, which is referred to as the parent service. The parent context ID can be the same as the root context ID. |
Context ID | Context ID of the service. Each time a service is resubmitted, the Integration Server assigns that service a new context ID. |
Server ID | DNS name and port number of the Integration Server on which the service runs. |
Timestamp | Date and time on which the activity indicated by the Status (for example, Failed) is logged. |
Error messages | Most recent error message associated with the service. |