Monitor 10.15 | Service Monitoring in Integration Server | Service Monitoring | Filtering Services by Status
Filtering Services by Status
In the Service executions doughnut chart you can view the total number of service executions, and the total number of service executions by status. Each status is represented by a color as described in the chart legend. When you click on a colored slice of the doughnut chart, the services are filtered by the status represented by the color. For example, clicking the red slice of the chart lists all Failed services.
You can also filter services by Status using the Basic or Advanced filters. In the Advanced filter, you can combine Status with other search criteria to narrow down your search results.
*To find services by status
1. On the Services page, click Basic or Advanced.
2. In the Status check-box, select the status(es) that you are interested in.
The service is currently running.
The service completed successfully.
An error occurred during the service execution and the service did not complete successfully.
The service was resubmitted.
3. Click Apply.
The services on the page are filtered based on the search criteria. For more information about the service execution details that you can view on the Services page, see Viewing Service Execution Details.
Each search filter that you apply is saved and used in subsequent searches until you delete its label. You can clear all saved filters by clicking Clear all.