Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | Release 10.2
Release 10.2
Added Services
*pub.client:websocket Establishes a WebSocket connection to the URL captured in the identified WebSocket client endpoint.
*pub.oauth:getToken Requests an access token from the Integration Server acting as the authorization server. This service replaces the pub.oauth:getAccessToken and pub.oauth:refeshAccessToken services. Providing a single OAuth token endpoint for requesting an access token conforms to the OAuth standard, RFC 6749.
*pub.oauth:removeExpiredAccessTokens Removes expired access tokens from the database.
*pub.websocket:close Closes the WebSocket connection.
*pub.websocket:disconnect Closes the WebSocket connection abruptly.
*pub.websocket:onBinary Specification to use as the signature for a callback service related to WebSocket server or client endpoint that handles a binary payload.
*pub.websocket:onClose Specification to use as the signature for a callback service that gets invoked when a WebSocket session is closed gracefully or disconnected.
*pub.websocket:onConnect Specification to use as the signature for a callback service that gets invoked when a WebSocket session is successfully established.
*pub.websocket:onError Specification to use as the signature for a callback service that gets invoked when an error is encountered, resulting in WebSocket session termination.
*pub.websocket:onText Specification to use as the signature for a callback service that handles a text payload.
*pub.websocket:send Sends a message on a connected WebSocket session.
Deprecated Services
*pub.jms.wmjms:receiveStream No replacement. webMethods Broker is deprecated, resulting in the deprecation of this service.
*pub.jms.wmjms:sendStream No replacement. webMethods Broker is deprecated, resulting in the deprecation of this service.
*pub.oauth:getAccessToken Use pub.oauth:getToken.
*pub.oauth:refreshAccessToken pub.oauth:getToken
Changed Services
*pub.client:http handling of a 307 or 308 status code When the pub.client:http service sends a POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH request and receives a 307 or 308 response status code from an HTTP server, the service no longer changes the request method to GET when redirecting.
*pub.publish:envelope The uuid field can now be set in the document envelope when publishing a document to Universal Messaging using the pub.publish:publish service. Previously, the uuid field was read-only.