Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Service
*pub.alert.notifier:create Creates a notifier.
*pub.alert.notifier:delete Deletes the specified notifier.
*pub.alert.notifier:disable Disables the specified notifier.
*pub.alert.notifier:enable Enables the specified notifier.
*pub.alert.notifier:list Lists all notifiers in the system.
*pub.alert.notifier:update Updates the settings of the specified notifier.
*pub.alert:channels Gets all alert channels in the system.
*pub.alert:severities Lists all the severities in the system.
*pub.alert:countAll Gets the count of all alerts in the system.
*pub.alert:countUnread Gets the count of all unread alerts in the system.
*pub.alert:emit Generates an alert for the configured alert channel.
*pub.alert:fetch Gets unread alerts in the system based on the page number and page size.
*pub.alert:fetchAll Gets all alerts in the system based on the page number and page size.
*pub.alert:markAllAsRead Marks all alerts as read.
*pub.alert:markAsRead Marks a specific alert as read.
*pub.alert:markAsUnread Marks a specific alert as unread.
*pub.alert:getSettings Gets the settings of the system notifier.
*pub.alert:setSettings Updates the settings of the system notifier.
*pub.client.oauth:getExternalAccessToken Gets the access and refresh tokens that the OAuth server generates for the Integration Server. This service can be used when Integration Server uses the OAuth authentication mechanism for services such as “pub.client:smtp”.
*pub.client.sftp.admin:getDefaultAlgorithms Gets the default list of algorithms supported by the Integration Server SFTP client.
*pub.client.sftp.admin:getHostKey Gets the host key of the SFTP server.
*pub.json:getArrayIterator Returns a batch iterator object.
*pub.json:getNextBatch Gets the next batch of array elements by parsing the array paths in the iterator object returned by the “pub.json:getArrayIterator” service.
*pub.json:closeArrayIterator Closes the iteration. The iterator object used in an iteration cannot be reused after this service runs.
*pub.mime:releaseBodyPartReferenceInTSpace - Utility service that releases the reference to the file in the Tspace to free up disk space
*pub.parquet:closeBatchIterator Closes the Parquet iterator.
*pub.parquet:documentTypeToSchema Converts an Integration Server document type to the Parquet schema format.
*pub.parquet:getBatchIterator Reads a Parquet file and returns a batch iterator object that can be used to iterate over the records in the Parquet file.
*pub.parquet:getNextBatch Gets the next batch of Parquet records from the iterator object returned by the pub.parquet:getBatchIterator service.
*pub.parquet:read Reads a Parquet file and converts it to an IData array (Document list).
*pub.parquet:write Writes a document list (an array of IData objects) to a Parquet file
* Clears the authentication cache in Integration Server.
Changed Services
*pub.client.sftp:login The SFTP login service includes additional input parameters that enable you to log in without configuring the SFTP server and user aliases.
*pub.client:smtp The service includes the “useJSSE” field in the “secure” input parameter to provide TLS 1.1 and 1.2 support for outbound SMTP connections.
The service adds support for OAuth 2.0 as an alternative authorization mechanism. For this purpose, the service now includes the “bearer” type in the “auth” field and the “token” field to accept the access token issued by the OAuth Server to Integration Server.
*pub.client:restClient The service now includes “OAUTH” and “APIKEY” fields as “type” for the “auth” input parameter. For this purpose, the service now includes the support of “token” and “apiKey” fields as “type” while using “OAUTH” and “APIKEY”.
The service also includes the support of the “secure” input parameter and the “trustStoreAlias” field so that users can specify the truststore information for certificate validation.
*pub.flatFile:convertToString The service now includes the support of the “lineSeparator” filed for the “delimiters” input parameter which specifies the character to be used to override the input record delimiter.
*pub.json:documentToJSONString The service now includes the encodeDateAs input parameter to specify how java.util.Date instances in the document are encoded in the returned JSON.
*pub.json:jsonStreamToDocument The service now includes the unescapeSpecialChars input parameter to control whether Integration Server unescapes the special characters '\n', '\r', '\t', '\b', '\f', '\', '"' while parsing JSON documents.
The service now includes the decodeNullRootAsEmpty input parameter which controls whether the service converts a null value that Integration Server retrieves from JSON content to either IData or empty IData.
*pub.json:jsonStringToDocument The service now includes the unescapeSpecialChars input parameter to control whether Integration Server unescapes the special characters '\n', '\r', '\t', '\b', '\f', '\', '"' while parsing JSON documents.
The service now includes the decodeNullRootAsEmpty input parameter which controls whether the service converts a null value that Integration Server retrieves from JSON content to either IData or empty IData.
*pub.mime:addBodyPart If the data passed to this service is greater than the threshold set by the server configuration property watt.server.mime.largeDataThreshold, this service internally stores the content as a temporary file in the Tspace.
*pub.mime:createMimeData The input parameter of this service now also accepts a javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage object.
*pub.mqtt:triggerSpec The specification for MQTT trigger input now includes the topicName field. MQTT triggers can use wildcards to receive messages from multiple topics.
*pub.string:tokenize The service now includes the support of ‘useRegex’ parameter which indicates whether Integration Server must support recognizing delimiter character set for 'delim' parameter as regular expressions.