Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | Release 10.11
Release 10.11
Added Services
*pub.alert:deregisterChannel Deregisters a registered custom alert channel.
*pub.alert:registerChannel Registers a custom alert channel.
*pub.alert:getChannel Gets the details of a specific channel.
*pub.alert:updateChannel Updates the settings of a registered custom channel.
* Notifies the gRPC server of a successful stream completion.
* Notifies the gRPC client about an unsuccessful gRPC request caused by an error that occurred during the gRPC request processing performed by the gRPC method flow service.
* Converts a document (IData) to a gRPC response and returns it to the gRPC client.
* Decrypts the encrypted data and returns plain data as a stream object or a byte array.
* Decrypts the encrypted data and verifies the associated digital signature.
* Converts plain data to encrypted data.
* Returns the hashed value for a string input.
* Creates a salt value.
* Adds a digital signature to data.
* Adds a digital signature to data and then encrypts the data.
* Verifies the digital signature associated with the data.
*pub.utils.messaging:getUMDependencies Generates a list of Universal Messaging assets on which Integration Server depends, such as channels, queues, durables, and Administered Objects for a JMS messaging connection alias and/or a Universal Messaging connection alias.
*pub.utils.messaging:syncDocTypesToUM Creates an updated protocol buffer descriptor for one or more publishable document types and then synchronizes it with the associated provider definition (channel) on Universal Messaging.
*pub.jwt:extractClaimsFromJWT Returns the requested claim details from a JWT.
*pub:jwt:generateSignedJWT Generates a signed JWT.
*pub:jwt:verifyJWT Verifies the signature in a JWT, the token expiration time, and the not-before time.
Deprecated Services
*pub.event.eda:event There is no replacement document type.
*pub.event.eda:schema_event There is no replacement schema.
*pub.event.routing:eventAcknowledgement There is no replacement document type.
*pub.event.routing:send Use Digital Event Services.
*pub.event.routing:subscribe Use Digital Event Services.
*pub.event.routing:unsubscribe Use Digital Event Services.
Changed Services
*pub.alert.notifier:create The service now includes the consumptionMode and autoMark input parameters. These are optional.
*consumptionMode specifies whether notifications are created for all alerts or only the latest alerts.
*autoMark specifies whether notifications are automatically marked as read or a user must do it manually.
The channelIDs parameter now accepts channel IDs as array elements instead of comma-separated values.
The severityCutoff parameter now accepts a severity name instead of the severity cutoff identifier.
*pub.alert.notifier:list The service now includes the consumptionMode and autoMark parameters in the output.
*pub.alert.notifier:update The service now includes the consumptionMode and autoMark input parameters. These are optional.
*consumptionMode specifies whether notifications are created for all alerts or only the latest alerts.
*autoMark specifies whether notifications are automatically marked as read or a user must do it manually.
The channelIDs parameter now accepts channel IDs as array elements instead of comma-separated values.
The severityCutoff parameter now accepts a severity name instead of the severity cutoff identifier.
*pub.alert:channels The service now lists 13 alert channels instead of 10. The additional alert channels are Metering Log, User Management, and Master Password. Each channel now has two additional parameters:
*emissionEnabled - indicates whether alerts are emitted for the channel and stored in the database or not.
*systemNotificationEnabled - indicates whether notifications are enabled or not for a channel.
*pub.alert:countAll The service now includes the optional filter parameters to get the count of a subset of all alerts in the system.
*pub.alert:countUnread The service now includes the notifierName and filter parameters to get the count of unread alerts for a notifier or a subset of the unread alerts. Both the parameters are optional and can be used independently or together.
*pub.alert:fetchAll The service now includes the optional filter parameters to fetch a subset of all the alerts in the system. The service also includes the sortBy and sortOrder optional input parameters to sort the fetched alerts.
*pub.alert:fetchUnread The pub.alert:fetch service from the previous release is renamed to pub.alert:fetchUnread, which now includes the notifierName and filter parameters to fetch the unread alerts for a notifier or a subset of the unread alerts. Both the parameters are optional and can be used independently or together. The service also includes the sortBy and sortOrder optional input parameters to sort the fetched alerts.
*pub.alert:channels The service now includes the description, emissionEnabled, and systemNotificationEnabled output parameters for each channel.
*pub.alert:getSettings The enabledEmissionChannels and enabledSystemNotifierChannels parameters in the service output display channel IDs as an object list and not as comma-separated values.
*pub.alert:setSettings The enabledEmissionChannels and enabledSystemNotifierChannels input parameters in the service accept channel IDs as array elements and not as comma-separated values.
*pub.client:http The service now includes the followRedirect to input parameter to control whether the outbound request follows a redirect when receiving a response code between 300 and 400.
*pub.compress:compressData The service includes an additional input parameter encoding that enables you to set the name of a registered IANA character-set that specifies the encoding to use when converting the input string to an array of bytes.
*pub.json:jsonStreamToDocument The service now includes the jsonDocumentTypeName and strict input parameters that determine how Integration Server performs the transformation based on a JSON document type.
*pub.json:documentToJSONString The service now includes the jsonDocumentTypeName and strict input parameters that determine how Integration Server performs the transformation based on a JSON document type.
*pub.json:jsonStringToDocument The service now includes the jsonDocumentTypeName and strict input parameters that determine how Integration Server performs the transformation based on a JSON document type.
*pub.oauth:authorize The service now includes code_challenge and code_challenge_method input parameters for use with PKCE.
*pub.oauth:getToken The service now includes the code_verifier input parameter for use with PKCE.
*pub.oauth:removeExpiredAccessTokens The service now returns the output parameter removedTokensCount, which indicates the number of expired tokens removed by the service.
* The service now includes the dateFormat parameter to specify the date format to use for the date returned by the notBefore and notAfter fields in the validity output parameter. By default, the service uses a preset date format that returns only the last two digits of the certificate expiration year. This creates ambiguity which the dateFormat parameter can prevent.
*pub.xml:documentToXMLString The service now includes the strictEncodeElements parameter, which controls the behavior of the encode parameter.